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Chat Application

  • WebSocket is to manage the connections to a browser from an app on server
  • Chat application with just WebSocket does not scale as the connection between Browser and Server is stateful, and we want to add more server to handle increasing traffic ⇒ We need a way to make server communicate with each other to deliver message from user connected to different server
  • Solution: PubSub Architecture (Redis is a popular choice)
  • Here we have a Load Balancer in the middle to manage/route traffic to different server
  • There will be a 2 part websocket connection between Brower — Load Balancer — Server
  • The server will listen for websocket message, and for each new message the server will publish to Redis (utilizing PubSub feature of Redis)
  • Everytime Redis receives new message, it will again push them to every subscribed server
  • E.g:
    • Client1, Client2, Client3 in the same group chat
    • Client1 connect to Server1
    • Client2 connect to Server2
    • Client3 connect to Server3
    • Client1 send new message and it is routed to Server1
    • Server published message to Redis
    • Redis receives message and push to all subscriber of the current topic/room/group which is Server2 and Server3
    • Server2 and Server3 receive new message and populate back to Client2 and Client3
  • Ref:
  • Notes:
    • When deploying multiple SocketIO servers, we need to enable sticky session, if HTTP long-polling is enabled (which is the default)
    • Sticky session is to make sure that all requests associated with a particular session ID reach the process that originated them
    • Without sticky session, you will experience HTTP 400 errors due to "Session ID unknown"